Shrijana Shakya
School is a temple of learning and a training group for future citizens. School is also said to be second home for every child where every child learn and study. Without School, we will never be able to write even a word. My School’s name is Scholars’ Home Academy. It is located in Mahalaxmisthan-4, Bhaktapur.
My School’s environment is clean to let the students study comfortably. The teachers are well experienced in their subjects. They are helpful as well as polite. Regarding education, my schools provide theoretical as well as practical education. Due to the provision of such good education, our school show good result every year. The credit of achieving such excellent result goes to our experienced teachers.
Students in our school are never forced to study just for passing through. We have many fun sessions. Our school also manages extra-curriculum activities in order to show the hidden talent of the students. Different programmes are launched in different occasions in order to share refreshment among teachers, students and parents. My School has a nice library which contains different useful books. The students having library card can borrow a book at a time.
I am proud to be a student of Scholars’ Home. As I glance back at my School years, my heart swells up with gratitude and thanks giving for the thirteen wonderful years that I spent in my school.
School may be hard, annoying and irritating But admit it.
You’ve going to miss it when it ends.
Thank you.

Binita Watankachi
School is not made up of bricks cement and stone. School is made with love, care, devotion. School is the main place to get knowledge. School is the second home of all the students. I am the student of Scholars’ Home Academy. It is located at Mahalaxmisthan-4, Bhaktapur. It is one of the best school in my locality. The main slogan of my school is providing the Education to make the future of the children bright.
Scholars’ means of the intellectual persons and my school is providing the education to produce the intellectual children.
My School Scholars Home not only give the education to the children but also engage us in extra curriculum activities to make students talent. They provide both theatrical and practical knowledge.
The facilities that my school are :
– Teachers are well-trained
– Library with reference book
– Well-facilitated science lab.
– Conduct different extra-curriculum activities such as singing competition, chess-competition etc.
– Management of tour, trekking, hiking plan.
– Low and affordable cost.
– Result of Scholars’ home is good.
– Practical as well as theoretical knowledge.
– Facilities of the clean and pure drinking water,
– Well-facilitated classroom.
I feel proud to be a student of scholars’ Home Academy. It is one of the best school among Bhaktapur city.

Chandani Shilpakar
With the motto “Education for the bright future” my school was established in 2055 B.S. at Mahalaxmisthan-4, Bhaktapur. I am proud of myself for being a part of scholars’ family where I spent the crucial years of my academic career. My journeys in this school start since grade 9. Within those two years, I found many progress within myself.
As mentioned in motto, my school really provides a quality education which helps the students to make their future bright. The way of learning and teaching process is different. Different practical ways are adopted in learning and teaching process which makes the student, easily understand about the text. During my academic journey in this school, I had a chance to learn through various methods. Documentary show, inspirational film, etc. are shown which make thinking ability of student high. During my study, many counseling classes were held. Teachers shared their experience which gives us motivation to achieve our success.
Today, I am very much happy for my success in SLC. This was not only hard work of mine but also of the teachers, who didn’t care about themselves and are always forward to make us able to solve any problems.
My school has really a great contribution beyond my success. I am very much thankful and grateful toward my school, teachers and also my school, who helped to achieve a great success in my academic career.

Rajesh Watankachi
School is the main place where we can get good knowledge and attitude. From school we can get the knowledge to separate the good and bad. AS we know that Education is the key of success.
Scholars’ Home Academy is the one of the best school of My locality. Scholars’ Home Academy was founded in 2055 B.S. From Scholars’ Home Academy I have got good knowledge. From this School I have learn distinguish between the right and wrong. “Education for bright future is the main slogan of this school.
This School have less number is students but also this school provides better Education for the students. In this school all the teachers are well trained and well qualified. All the teacher behaves friendly with all the students. All the students and teachers are also co-operative with each other.
All the students are obedient. All the students and teachers follow at the rules and regulation of the school. We cannot get the knowledge in the four corner of the classroom. We can get knowledge from the Extra curricular activities also. So, our school is also engage in Extra curricular activities. Our School give equal priority for the Education and the extra activities. So, our school organize different kinds of competition in every week.